Tenacity Pays Off

I’ve heard it said that delayed gratification is a sign of maturity. If that’s true, my youngest grandson is an old man in a child’s body. For the past couple of years, he has been fixated on restoring a previously heavily used go-cart. I started to write “junk yard ready,” but that might have gotten me into trouble with Jake or his mother.

There may have been a method to his mother’s madness. She may have known that the chances were slim-to-none that Jake would ever get the thing running. After all, it is improbable that you will get hurt on a go-cart that is primarily a stationary object.

On second thought, I’m sure none of that is true. Jake’s mother is pretty analytical when it comes to repairing washing machines or taking a truck door apart and resetting the electric window device, and getting the window back in the right track.

I’m not making this up. She really did both of those things. Craig has quite an assortment of tools. I’ve often wondered why he has all those tools? Maybe he bought them for Becky and Jake to use.

When it comes to working on his go-cart, Jake has been like a dog chewing on the bone. His resolve may have stemmed from watching any of the four rescue dogs that make a home with them. Dogs like to chew on bones for a whole number of reasons. Reportedly, “They love chewing on them because it provides mental stimulation, cleans plaque from their teeth (while massaging their gums), and it’s a good jaw muscle exercise.

On the fourth of July, Jake was grinning from ear to ear. Even though I am hearing impaired and had forgotten to pack my hearing aids, I could hear the sound of the go-cart circling the track around the pond on their property.

I guess it really is true, if at first you don’t succeed, try try again. I’m really proud of the young grease monkey.

All My Best!