I am both frugal and dumber than dirt

Sometimes the General’s take on how I should manage my life eventually makes sense. I had planned to drive to Oklahoma City this morning for a board meeting tomorrow. The downside was the ride back to Texas after the meeting. If my calculations were correct, I would have found myself in 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. traffic in Dallas tomorrow. Been there/done six weeks ago. Why would I do that again?

From my perspective, I would do that again because I’m frugal. I attempt to save the agency where I work a dollar every chance I can.

The General works on the premise that time is money. Where she came up with that far-fetched notion, I’ll never know. That reality has not been my experience.

If you are an attorney that charges $600 an hour, perhaps the premise that time is money is true. When you work part-time for a non-profit corporation, not so much! Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. I like the privilege of working.

So, you’re probably thinking that I’m now sitting in the lobby of the Will Roger’s Airport in Oklahoma City because the General said I was not going to make that drive again. That is really a good guess, but it is not completely correct.

What I figured out is that the General was right. Who would have thought? I actually compared the cost between flying and driving (using the IRS reimbursement for driving) and found the expenses were virtually identical even throwing in the cost of a one day car rental in Oklahoma City.

I may be dumber than dirt, but even I will opt not to drive a 14-hour round trip if I don’t have to. On the other hand, I can also substantiate that I am dumber than dirt and the fact that I’m sitting in the Will Rogers Airport proves it.

Yesterday morning when I hurriedly made my airline reservation and purchased the ticket, two flights left Austin within an hour of each other and there was over a five hour difference in my arrival time in Oklahoma City. One was a direct flight, and the other went first to Denver.

The flight leaving Austin earlier arrived in Oklahoma City at 11:10 a.m. The second flight arrived at 5:30 p.m. I opted for the latter.

How’s this for logic? If I arrived in Oklahoma City at 11:10 a.m. and my meeting went until 2:00 p.m. the following day, I would be charged a two-day rental for the rental car.

The logic makes sense to me. The General will tell you that time is money and that I’m not all that smart.

Of course, she’s right. I remembered last night that I failed to check in for the flight yesterday morning. Consequently, I was at the end of the C boarding group.

Worse yet, I discovered this morning when I checked in that I actually inadvertently purchased a ticket on the earlier flight. I’m not sure how that happened, but I’m going to hang around the airport until 2:00 and then hopefully, get the rental car.

All My Best!’


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