I’m In The Air Again

This is the third consecutive day that I find myself at the Austin Bergstrom International Airport. Perhaps, “everything in moderation” might have been better approach. Today I am headed to Washington, DC for the remainder of the week. You may concur with the General and think a mental health assessment is warranted.

Yet, in an effort to dissaude your opinion, I want to substantiate that I do have the ability to learn from past experiences. Monday found me spending an extended amount of time at the Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City.

Because I feared that I could not make a 3:15 departure from the Oklahoma Airport yesterday because of being in a board meeting, I made a reservation for the 3:45 departure when I purchased my ticket.

At the 12th hour (figuratively speaking), I opted to change my ticket for the earlier flight. Drum Roll! The later flight routed me to Austin through Denver. I am not one to pass up a trip to Denver, but I at least want to get beyond the Airport.

The ability to change my ticket for the earlier flight reduced my arrival time in Austin by 4 hours! I arrived in Austin at 4:30 instead of 8:30. How’s that for proactively making a good decision.

In addition, while I was waiting for boarding at the airport in “the City” as folks in the great state of Oklahoma refer to it, I decided to check for lodging in Washington.

Occasionally, I wait to arrive at my destination before I get online to find a place to stay, but my emotional comfort level is better when I know before I get on a plane.

I located a AirBNB on Capitol Hill that looked very updated and comfortable at a cost you can’t find a four-star hotel in DC. Like the price of gasoline, hotel costs have risen significantly in Washington over the past couple of months. I figure enough is enough, I will look for a better option.

My flight is soon to board, so I will simply wish you a good day.

All My Best!

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