A Quick Trip To D.C.

The past day and a half in D.C. have flown by rapidly. Overall, I’d rate the visit as successful, and I have more visits today. I have the good fortune to interact with several legislative staffers on Capitol Hill who support the legislation the organization I work with is requesting. Currently, children’s homes and residential schools are not part of the continuum of care for children from hard places that Federal dollars can help support..

Interestingly, the vast majority of the agencies I work with don’t want or need Federal funding, but because of the legislative sanction prohibiting funding, our agencies are seen as having no value. We are no longer considered an appropriate resource for children who have been removed from their families by children’s protective services.

Consequently, all across the nation, children are sleeping in workers’ offices or hotels because there are not enough resources for children who are at risk of harm if left in life-threatening situations. Perhaps they are the lucky ones?

Tragically, in far too many cases, children are left in harm’s way, and their lives tragically end. No one appears to be noticing the number of deaths could be avoided.

In terms of my commute to Capitol Hill this trip, the Airbnb where I am staying is only two Metro stations away. I have never had it so easy. As it turned out, yesterday I only walked five miles. The commute time is minimal.

I guess I’m a creature of habit. I never time visits appropriately. Yesterday, I arrived too early for scheduled meetings and then tried to pretend to myself that it wasn’t hot outside. Of course, reality won out as I was sweltering in the heat wishing that a coat and tie weren’t considered mandatory.

No one can gain entrance to a Federal Office building unless they are escorted by a legislative staffer. Before January 6, 2021, the entrance could be obtained without an escort.

During this visit, I noticed that visitors gaining entrance no longer have to provide their identification. From January 6, 2021, until recently no one entered a Federal Office building without providing their identification. Can you begin to imagine the expense involved in that process? Okay, so I’m chasing rabbits. I won’t go there.

As I said, I am a creature of habit. My flight home this evening takes me first to New Orleans and then to Austin. Why I ever opt for something other than a direct flight is beyond me. Hopefully, I will eventually figure it out.

All My Best!

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