Tough Choices

Our builder telephoned yesterday to say we needed to make a rock selection for our home. His words were music to my ears. The General and I are beyond ready for the construction to be over. Honestly, I can’t fault the builder for the delay.

The first six months we waited for construction to begin had to do with the process of re-plating our two lots into one. The builder had no control over that delay.

We purchased the two lots eleven months ago. That is almost a year. I don’t have enough fingers to count out that far. Seriously, how long should it take to build a home? After all, we are not building the Taj Mahal.

Lest I digress, let me get back to the rock selection. Though we had only seen a picture, I was fairly certain that “blue marble” was the rock we wanted for our home. The builder had used it on another house he built. When I saw a picture of that house, I knew that we wanted the same rock.

As luck would have it, the builder was unable to find that specific rock. He said there were other similar selections. That is why we needed to go look and make a decision.

As a side note, while we were on the telephone, he told me they were beginning to rock the house next door to ours. The selection made for that house is called blue coral. According to the builder, it is very similar to blue marble.

The builder added that our home is so different from the house next door that it wouldn’t be a problem if we selected the same stone. When I told the General what the builder had said, her immediate response was: “I’m not having it!” She then said with finality: “We will pick something different.”  

God forbid that the General would go anywhere and see someone wearing a dress identical to the one she was wearing. Instead of thinking the other person had exceptional taste, it would simply make her feel uncomfortable. 

Did I mention the General is wierd? Okay, so maybe I am the one that is wierd. Somehow, the General knowing the house next door had the same rock we wanted led her to reach the forgone conclusion that we had to select something entirely different.

I am not yet at the point of pulling my hair out.  If it can’t be done my way doesn’t mean that I’m going to take my toys and go home. That would only ensure that I no longer had a voice in the rock selection process. I am not going to forfeit total control.

Actually, we found a selection called smokey mountain that is entirely different and probably will work great. So, did we order the rock? We did not.

I need to check with the builder again. Does changing the outside color on our home require approval from the architecture committee for the HOA?  I would like to think that it doesn’t, but the initial plans submitted for approval included color selections.  I can only imagine that if a committee member noticed the difference, it might be a source of conflict.

It really shouldn’t be this hard to build a house.

All My Best!


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