Some Questions Are Better Left Unasked

Someone recently asked when we anticipate that our new home will be ready.   Seriously, there are some questions better left unasked. The last time we asked the question was months ago, and I didn’t like the answer. I certainly haven’t asked again. Actually, I didn’t ask that time. It was the General who asked the question.

There is definitely a method to her madness. Her question related to how early we needed to order appliances. She has heard horror stories of folks waiting months to get windows and appliances. The General knows what she wants in the kitchen and she isn’t willing to settle for anything else.  Sometimes she makes me crazy!

In my shallow thinking, I would have opted to select an electric induction range.  Reportedly, they cook with the accuracy of cooking with gas, but you can touch the range top immediately after turning the burner off, and it is cool to the touch. I’d call that impressive.

The General would call it something else. She would say that my thought processes related to appliances represents shallow thinking. Anyone with “half an ounce of common sense” (God only knows how many times the General has used that expression in reference to me) … Anyone with half an ounce of common sense knows that real chefs cook with gas. I say that is baloney!

 And by the way, I remember eating fried baloney sandwiches when I was a kid. Doesn’t that sound good? I don’t think I’ve had a fried baloney sandwich since childhood. But now that I mention it, my mother had a gas top stove.

So how have we lived over the past half-century?  During that period of time, we have always cooked with electricity.  I’d say the quality of our meals at least gets honorable mention.  But in the next house, we are going to do it differently because the General said so.

By the way, when she asked the question related to completion of the house, the answer was February 2023.  I shutter with the thought! We cannot wait that long. Okay, so I guess we can if the house isn’t finished, but this is the sixth house that we’ve built, and I know something about anticipated timelines. 

Speaking of houses, the house we are building is the 32nd place that will be home for us. I think we can easily ascertain that in our 54 years as a married couple, ours has been a nomadic lifestyle. We once moved using a flatbed trailer because we were only moving a block and a half away.

Okay, so I am fostering the belief that we will be in our new home by Thanksgiving 2022.  I am not asking the builder for verification, but I think my timeline is accurate.

We picked out light fixtures this week at the builder’s request. That experience in and of itself could fill a couple of blogs. Don’t get me started.  We signed off on the purchase order for the light fixtures yesterday. The date for delivery was clearly printed on the purchase order. It reflects November 1, 2022.

Worst possible scenario, we will be home for Christmas, but I’m inclined to think we will be in the house for Thanksgiving.

All My Best!


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