The Morning After

It is the morning after, and we discovered the evening before could have yielded more. It wasn’t just the disappointment associated with our inability to catch (pardon the pun) Friday night’s game of the Sealy Tigers against the Smithville Tigers. They were playing in Smithville.  As it turned out, the game reportedly wasn’t much of a catfight. Would you believe the score was 48 to 0 in Sealy’s favor?

As I said, it wasn’t just that we missed the game.  Of course, we could have driven to Smithville and back yesterday. Initially, we thought that we would.  The distance is only 62 miles. That literally is nothing. The game started at 8:00 p.m. Obviously, we had plenty or time, or did we?

According to MapQuest, the distance represents one hour and five minutes of driving time each way. You don’t have to look twice to figure out that I’m not the sharpest Crayola in the box, but we had driven past Smithville the previous Friday on our way to Sealy for the first game of the season. 

 Road construction, closed lanes and two times as many vehicles as that stretch of road can accommodate and keep traffic flowing at the posted speed limit was the reality of our experience.  Did I mention that I hate bumper-to-bumper, stop-and-go driving?

I figured out on Thursday that this is Labor Day weekend. That was a game changer from my perspective. I didn’t want to drive in Friday’s traffic on a holiday weekend. Seriously, you’d have to be exercising something less than prudent judgment to opt for the excursion.  I for one thought it best that we stay home and listen to the game on the Sealy Sports Network.

Did I mention that the General and I don’t always agree?  Okay, so we were going to drive to the game.  I regularly get 49% of the vote. In addition, I knew it was important to the General. No one was putting a gun to my head. The General has more style than that. If she wanted to go to the game, we would go. 

Actually, I have Snickers to thank that we didn’t. Snickers needs an insulin injection at game time.  Making that happen and being two plus hours down the road proved to be the deciding factor for the General to change her mind. We couldn’t take Snickers with us to the game.  The logistics didn’t work. 

In terms of the General’s priorities, she mostly adheres to the lyrics of Old Dogs and Children and Watermelon Wine sung by Tom T. Hall. That song will be rolling around in my head for the rest of the day. 

The General definitely makes old dogs and children a priority. She has never been a fan of either watermelon or wine.

Last night we logged on to the Sealy Sports Network and found that either the game hadn’t started or the network was unavailable.  Once the game started, we then stayed current with the score. Other than the score, nothing was available to us on the networ.  We were disappointed. 

This morning the General talked to her sister in Florida. Her sister mentioned that she really liked having access to the video as well as the audio. She watched last night’s game on the Sealy Sports Network.

That leaves me wondering, what did I do wrong?   I honestly don’t know.

All the Best!
