I Was Like A Hummingbird Seeking Nectar

At the risk of your thinking I have no shame, I have to confess that nothing turns my head or captures my attention like a hot car.  Yesterday there was a flurry of vehicle traffic outside our home. We are in a gated townhome community and the house diagonally across the street is on the market.  It is an incredible home and has many custom features. Had it come on the market before we started building, it would have been a serious consideration for us. 

It is not that we are nosey, but there is a lot of glass across the front of our townhome. Yesterday the General expressed her thought that they might be having an open house for realtors across the street since several cars were parked along our very short street.

As I said, cars garner my interest. There was a newer model white Range Rover parked on the curb in front of our house and another car or two parked across the street.  I was standing near the window in the kitchen when a black BMW pulled up and a young woman and small child got out of the vehicle. 

This was not an open house for realtors. Obviously, this was someone interested in purchasing the home. In short order, wanting to have more than a birds-eye view, I walked outside to the courtyard. Okay, so maybe I am nosey.

It was then that I saw it. The shiny black-colored vehicle was parked at the end of our short street on our side of the road.  The pickup truck obviously had been backed in because the front of the truck was facing my direction.  I had never seen a truck like it before. My grandson Jake would have described it as fancy. I’d be inclined to agree.

The headlights were like none that I’ve ever seen before.  They were very narrow and vertical. There was also a horizontal strip that might be lights across the front of the vehicle just under the hood. 

I didn’t want to be obvious, but I couldn’t quell the desire to get a better look. Everyone was now inside the home. I  walked out into the middle of the street to take a better photo with my iPhone.  Wow! The truck was really something! 

I couldn’t help myself. I was like a hummingbird seeking nectar. I had to have a closer view.  I intuitively walked in the direction of the truck. When I saw the computer screen mounted inside the vehicle, the dots inside my head connected. This was an electric truck. I’d seen a similar screen in a friend’s Tesla.

So was the truck made by Tesla?  I didn’t notice the brand until I got to the back of the truck. The large brushed chrome-like letters spelled out “RIVIAN”.  I had never heard of that brand, but I sensed it was expensive.

I walked back to the courtyard and waited for people to exit the house. From the length of time, they were inside the home, I surmised they had a real interest.  Eventually, the front door opened and people came outside.

The guy who eventually walked to the truck was with the woman and small child who arrived in the black BMW.  This was a family interested in the home.

Okay, so I have no shame. I walked back to the truck and complimented the man on his truck.  He smiled and asked if it was the first RIVIAN I had seen?  He reportedly really likes the truck and in our brief conversation, I ascertained that the man was very interested in the home. I found myself hoping this will be the family that moves across the street.

All My Best!
