While The Cat’s Away The Mice Will Play

The General would probably tell you that I am one of those people that waits until the last minute. I’m not sure that is true. She would also tell you that once I start a project, I tend to focus exclusively on what I’m doing and can ignore the need for balance in my life. She occasionally offers unsolicited counsel and tells me to turn off the computer and do x, y, or z.

Sometimes I am slow to understand. She won’t watch HGTV unless I am watching it along with her. My being in the same room on my laptop doesn’t equate to watching it with her.  Consequently, an episode of “Love  It or List It” will go unwatched unless I am seated on the sofa and providing full attention to what is being viewed.

Of course, one of my assigned tasks is to fast-forward through the commercials.  We never watch anything on television unless it is pre-recorded.

The General is also one of those people who will not watch anything twice. It makes me crazy!  Sometimes an episode garners my interest, and because we’ve seen it once, it would be a misuse of precious time to watch it again.

The General has been out of town this week, so I’ve not had the advantage of her thoughtful monitoring of the amount of time I spend on the computer.

Case in point, this week has found me glued to the computer attempting graphic design for a printed program for a conference. Did I mention, graphic design doesn’t fall into my bailiwick of expertise? 

The fact that the conference is less than a month away is now creating a sense of urgency in my world. How did the time move by so quickly?

Okay, so that project is far enough along that I can move on to the next big assignment.  Often, I have no one to blame for my assigned tasks other than myself.  I am scheduled to be in Washington D.C. next week, and I volunteered to a legislative staffer to identify in writing some suggestions for rewriting proposed legislation.

Of course, the person to whom I made the offer didn’t say “yea or nay” to  my providing my two cents worth.  Since the staffer didn’t say nay, I feel obligated to follow through with my offer.

I have an appointment in that office on Tuesday. Consequently, I’ll probably be glued to the computer over the weekend to ensure I have something of value to provide.

I won’t say that I’m on the threshold of a panic attack. That will take place on Monday if I don’t have the task completed by then.  I will cheat sleep if need be to get it done before the weekend is over. The General is still out of town, so while figuratively while the cat’s away the mice will miss HGTV.

All My Best!
