Strange Behavior

Just in case inquiring minds want to know, the General and I are not going through a trial separation, even though she’s been gone for over a week. I had travel plans for a portion of last week and this week, so she opted to stay in Cat Spring Friday before last. That would ensure she didn’t miss any of our grandsons’ football games. The high school games are on Fridays, and the junior high games are on Tuesdays.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I couldn’t believe my eyes! The picture was on Facebook, and it was unmistakably the General. Trust me, after 54 years, I’d know her anywhere. 

I can’t really say that I’ve noticed the General wearing a “smirk-like” smile that goes from ear to ear before. I guess there is a first time for everything.   She was holding a Whataburger while seated inside a vehicle.

My daughter-in-law posted the picture with the caption: “Treva is living her best life”.  Good for her, I said out loud as I looked at her picture. I looked again. She looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. How else would you describe it?

Responding to the posting, my cousin Ranny said: “So many things come to mind seeing this. It puts me in mind of a kid stomping through a mud puddle with church clothes on.”

At the risk of chasing rabbits, I could go on a diatribe about today’s absence of “church clothes” in our culture. Church clothes no longer exist. Perhaps that will be the subject of another blog for another day.

Becky’s aunt responded to the posting by saying: “Bring out the Ketchup and enjoy.”  Becky’s mom thoughtfully added: “Welcome to the real world.” 

My brother in Oklahoma would go on a diatribe if I blogged about the merits of wearing your Sunday’s best to church. He added, good-naturedly of course (I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt): “I hope that is Don’s car.”  For the record, I didn’t think that was funny!

What I did think was funny was the discovery I made on Thursday. It caused me to wonder about the person that I married 54 years ago. The discovery seems out of character for her. Then again, I may not know her at all!  I’m still shaking my head and wondering if she’s been smoking with Willie. 

Of all things, I needed a postage stamp. I telephoned the General to ask where she keeps them?  It was then that I made the discovery that my all-to-predictable wife may not be all that predictable. Who would have thought?

Are you ready for this? Instead of purchasing non-descript postage stamps, the General bought forever collectible stamps featuring Bugs Bunny. You heard me correctly.  I’m not making this up! The General purchased Bugs Bunny stamps.  That begs the question: “What’s Up Doc?”

All My Best!


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