I Went To The Game

It was a late night, and to my surprise, it didn’t prove to be an early morning for me. I didn’t set an alarm and got three hours more sleep than I usually get.

 I returned home from D.C. very late Wednesday night and spent most of Thursday playing catch-up on some work-related issues. Before day’s end on Thursday, I drove by the construction site to see what kind of progress had been made on our house during the week. I would have been better served to forgo the experience.

Thankfully, more rock had finally been delivered to the job site. The masons ran out of stone almost three weeks earlier.  I’m not sure when the rock was delivered this week, but with no intent to throw stones, there wasn’t much to show for their work. 

You can tell from the number of stones around one of the posts on the front porch, that it didn’t reflect a large investment of time. That was the only work done through Thursday of this week.

The General stoically tells me I need to calm down. I am sure it is not her intent to be patronizing, but I tire of good-natured “que sera, sera (whatever will be will be)”persona.  According to the General, if nothing happened, it was simply outside the construction foreman’s control. Perhaps she’s right. 

I did look through an open door of the house under construction next door. That home was started 3-weeks before ours, and they were already putting in the flooring. Wow!  We don’t have sheetrock yet.  Okay, okay, so enough sour grapes.

I hate it when the General is right. If nothing is being done, it has to do with the availability of the workforce. We are still waiting on the plumber and electrician to do additional work. It has been so long since the plumber was last on site that he has probably forgotten the address.  Maybe the General is right, I obviously need to calm down.

On Thursday afternoon Andrea texted me to ask if I’d like to go with them to William’s game? I initially said I didn’t think so. I had no sooner hit the send message, that I modified my response and said I’d like to go and that we could go in my truck.

Hence the late night. Like Cinderella, it was midnight when we returned home.  It was the first district game for Sealy, and the Tigers won 48 to 18 over Columbia Roughnecks.  William plays defensive end, and he had a really good game. He also has incredible familial support.  There were many extended family members at the game including his maternal 90-year old grandfather.

The announcers for the Sealy Sports Network that televise the game often reference William’s fan club. There are probably a dozen or more people from coast to coast who regularly catch the game just to demonstrate support for William.

It was a good day and a good choice for me to be in attendance at the game. Sleeping late was also a feel-good kind of thing.

All My Best!
