A Virtual Vacation

We didn’t think it was an unreasonable request. Since we kept Samson and Charlotte (my daughter’s two labs) at their house for a week while Kevin and Andrea vacationed, we wanted to see pictures.  They had made a “once in a lifetime” trip to the same place two years earlier, so it stands to reason that they would want to duplicate the experience. That kind of negates the “once in a lifetime” concept.

Actually, Kevin and Andrea went out of their way to step it up a notch if that was even possible. This time, they invited the passengers accompanying them to experience a “trip of a lifetime.” The venue was a small yacht docked in the British Virgin Islands. In addition to the captain of the boat, there was also a chef that prepared all of the meals.

Guests on the boat included our son and daughter-in-law and our granddaughter and her boyfriend. The guest list also included six other people that were peripherally comprised of colleagues/friends from work.  One guy who lives in the U.S., asked if they had room to include his 16-year-old son and his son’s best friend. Both boys live in South Africa.  The friend of that guy’s son had never been out of the country. 

The sixteen-year-old who had never been out of South Africa has certainly broadened his horizons. When they left the British Virgin Islands, they flew to New York City to spend a day before they headed to the father’s home to Utah where they will be staying for the next two weeks.

Andrea invited us over to look at pictures last night.  She said to her mom, “I will order Pizza.”  It proved to be an enjoyable time.  We arrived at their home sometime after 6:00 p.m. It wasn’t late. As it turned out, we arrived just in time to see the A&M baseball team trailing against Tennessee 0 to 1.

Did I mention that I would rather go to the dentist for a root canal than watch a baseball?  What had we gotten ourselves into?  I had anticipated a virtual vacation. At some point, Andrea told me I needed to move my truck out of the driveway. She needed to go pick up the pizza. I assured her that I’d gladly go for her. Did I mention that I didn’t want to watch the ball game?

You could have knocked me over with a feather. As it turned out, we didn’t have to watch the game before we looked at pictures through Apple TV. That is a great way to look at photographs.  For us, the evening proved to be a three-hour virtual vacation. The visual tour of the British Virgin Islands with narration and stories told, only lasted about 30 minutes. The rest of the evening was simply a chance to visit and eat pizza. We did not watch the Aggies’ loss to Tennessee.

Like I said, it was a virtual vacation for us, so I don’t really have any pictures to share. Okay, so that isn’t totally true. I took a picture of the box the pizza came in.  The pizza place is locally owned and operated in Dripping Springs.  I had never been there before, but I will definitely go back. You may need to check it out.

All My Best!
